Home Health Care Services Delivered to You

Home Health Care Services Delivered to You

As the challenges surrounding COVID-19 continue to impact the ways that health care services are delivered across the country, many members of high-risk populations are searching for new ways to increase social distancing and avoid leaving home. At Nye Health Services, we offer a variety of Home Health Services that allow you to replace many in-office appointments with personalized services in the comfort and safety of your own home. 


What Is Home Health Care? 

During a year when you may be reluctant to attend medical appointments at a physical location, especially if you are still living in your own home or in an independent or assisted living community, we are offering more options for handling various types of medical services at home than ever.

With our unique Home Health Care program, our fully-licensed and Medicare-certified nursing and therapy staff members are equipped to meet a variety of needs within the comfort and safety of your own home. Our home health care staff can assist with recuperation, rehabilitation, and education to help you regain your health and independence in a safe way. 

Some of the most common types of services that can be provided at home include:

  • Physical and occupational therapy
  • Administration of prescription medications
  • Medical testing
  • Health monitoring
  • Caring for wounds 

Home Health Care is especially common after an injury or hospitalization, but it can also be a long term solution for those who are facing the progression of a chronic condition. Another important aspect to Home Health Care is providing education on how to manage new illnesses and how to take steps towards the prevention of further health complications.


How Can Home Health Care Improve My Quality of Life? 

Choosing Home Health Care has a variety of benefits for both your physical and mental health. First and foremost, it is one of the most customizable types of health care available. With the flexibility to receive as much or as little care as you need, you can meet both short-term and ongoing care needs at your convenience.

Home Health Care is also a helpful option that can help lower the amount of times that you need to leave home during a time when it is less safe to do so than normal. Elderly and other high-risk populations are especially vulnerable to concerns related to COVID-19, and moving as many appointments to your home as it helps to increase social distancing and minimize the number of people you come in contact with.

This can also relieve stress for your family members, who may worry about the increased risk of attending in-person appointments outside your home.


Home Health Care Coverage

Like any unfamiliar type of health care service, it is important to understand how your specific health insurance company handles Home Health Care before scheduling an appointment. Fortunately, many Home Health Care appointments can be subsidized by most insurance companies and other public or private options to make your health care more affordable.

Some of the additional options that may be available to you if you have limited funds include Medicaid, veterans benefits, or a reverse mortgage. There are many possible sources of funding for Home Health Care, and speaking with one of our community representatives is the best way to get more details about the public and private companies that we most often work with.


At Nye Health Services, we prioritize helping you get the care you need without sacrificing safety during a time when you may prefer to avoid leaving home. Our Home Health Care services make a variety of at-home treatment options available for residents throughout Nebraska. Contact us today to learn more about how the convenience of choosing Home Health Care can benefit you! 

Nye Health Services Skilled Campuses Recieve 5-Star Ratings

All Nye Health Services Skilled Campuses Recieve 5-Star Ratings by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services

ALL of Nye Health Services skilled campuses are 5-star rated by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) in Washington. The CMS Five-Star quality rating system rates the nation’s skilled nursing facilities on a 1 to 5 star scale based on the results of onsite surveys, staffing levels and quality outcomes. Fewer than 10 percent of all facilities nationwide achieve this honor which is awarded to only the facilities demonstrating extraordinary clinical and regulatory excellence.

This is an impressive accomplishment. Results like these are not achieved without the hard work and dedication of every team member at our campuses. It is because of them that this exceptional rating is awarded. To have an organization with all of their skilled campuses recognized as 5 Star is unprecedented. And to do this in the midst of the COVID pandemic, is doubly impressive.

Learn More About Our Award-Winning Skilled Campuses:

Nye Legacy, Fremont
Nye Pointe, Fremont
Gateway Vista, Lincoln

Caring for Our Heroes: How Community Care Helps Veterans

Caring for Our Heroes: How Community Care Helps Veterans

Gateway Vista, a Nye Health Services campus, is now a participating facility under the Veterans Affairs Community Care Network (VA CCN) for all eligible Veterans who could benefit from short term rehabilitation services and outpatient therapy services. Both Optum and United Healthcare are collaborating to manage the VA CCN, a national VA initiative.

Gateway Vista’s Executive Director is a 25 year Active Duty and Reserve Officer and has worked in healthcare for over 20 years. Executive Director (Major) Mark Sroczynski knows what it means to serve. Mark states that, “As a 25 year Active and Reserve Duty Officer, I know what it means and how to relate to Veterans, especially during the healing process. One of several duties I was fortunate to complete, was a 12 month tour at Brook Army Medical Center, San Antonio. There I Commanded the first Warrior Transition Unit and averaged approximately 200 Soldiers, Airman, Navy and Marines who were there to recover from their injuries.”

“The VA Community Care Network allows Veterans who qualify to come to our organization outside of the VA to provide services. All people, including Veterans, should have this choice as to where they want their care to take place. Join us.”

Veterans Affairs provides healthcare for Veterans in your local community. If Veterans Affairs cannot provide the care needed, then the Veteran may be eligible to receive care from a community provider. This is provided on behalf of, and paid for, by Veterans Affairs. Before a Veteran can receive community care from a provider, the VA must first authorize the care. Gateway Vista, one of Nye Health Service’s campuses, is proud to service our nation’s veterans.

Types of Care Available

Veterans Affairs ensures that even after a soldier’s service has ended, the person behind the uniform has the care needed for their entire life. Veterans may be eligible for the following types of care:

  • General Community Care: If you require a specialty service or health care need that is not offered at a VA medical facility, then you may qualify for general community care. For example, maternity care is not offered at VA medical facilities, so a patient could be eligible for general community care. General community care needs to be pre-authorized by Veterans Affairs.
  • Emergency Care: If you’re suffering from a life threatening emergency, call 911 first and go to the nearest emergency room. For emergency care, a prior VA authorization is not necessary, as your immediate health and well-being is a priority. A claim for emergency care will never be denied based solely on VA not receiving notification prior to seeking care.However, you should contact the VA within 72 hours of admittance to help VA staff coordinate discharge or follow-up medical care.
  • Home Health Services and Hospice Care: The VA aims to keep chronically ill or disabled Veterans in their homes as long as possible. Skilled home health care, palliative care, homemaker services, and hospice care are all considered extended care services under the direction of a VA physician.
  • State Veterans Homes: A VA social worker can provide you with additional details about State Veterans Homes. These facilities provide services such as adult day care or nursing home services.

Veterans Affairs provides a wide variety of care options for Veterans throughout their lives.

Cost and Billing Options for Veterans

The VA provides several different billing options for Veterans such as paying online through a secure server, by phone, in person at a VA medical facility, or by mail. Veterans are charged a co-payment for care provided directly by VA,or through a community provider outside of VA. The co-payment amount is based on the type of health care service you receive and your financial situation. For Veterans struggling with co-payments due to loss of job, or a sudden decrease in income, contact the VA to see if you qualify for financial hardship assistance.

Join Mark and other Veterans to see how Gateway Vista provides state-of-the-art rehabilitation services and top-notch care for its senior residents. Contact us to learn how our impeccable senior living campuses maintain the pride fostered by our nation’s Veterans.


Nye Health Services Award-Winning Campuses & Services

Nye Health Services  · 750 East 32nd  Street ·  Fremont, Nebraska 68025  ·  402.753.1400  ·  Privacy Policy | XML Sitemap

Nye Legacy, Nye Pointe, Gateway Vista, and Regency Square Recognized for Healthcare Quality by Great Plains Quality Care Collaborative

Nye Legacy, Nye Pointe, Gateway Vista, and Regency Square Recognized for Healthcare Quality by Great Plains Quality Care Collaborative

Nye Legacy, Nye Pointe, Gateway Vista, and Regency Square have all been named to the Great Plains Quality Care Collaborative (GPQCC) Honor Roll in recognition of their performance on the Nursing Home Compare long-stay quality measures.

Nursing homes on the Nursing Home Quality Composite Score Honor Roll have achieved a quality measure composite score of six or less for at least one month [between April 2015 and March 2019].  The Composite Score is comprised of 13 long-stay measures; a score of 6 or better reflects the cumulative effect of systems improvement with a long-term care setting.

“Nursing homes on the Honor Roll have demonstrated a focus on safety and quality,” said Krystal Hays, DNP, RN, CADDCT, RAC-CT, Great Plains QIN-QIO quality improvement advisor. “We applaud the hard work of Nye Legacy, Nye Pointe, Gateway Vista and Regency Square for their commitment to provide excellent long-term care.”

The GPQCC is part of the National Nursing Home Quality Care Collaborative (NNHQCC), led by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) and QIN-QIOs, was launched in April 2015 with the mission to improve care for the 1.4 million nursing home residents across the United States. Great Plains Quality Innovation Network has been a long-time supporter and partner of the NNHQCC.

The NNHQCC strives to instill sustainable quality and performance improvement practices, eliminate Healthcare-Acquired Conditions (HACs) and improve resident satisfaction and safety by focusing on systems that impact quality. These systems can include staffing, operations, communication, leadership, compliance, clinical models, quality of life indicators and specific clinical outcomes, such as mobility, inappropriate antipsychotic use for persons living with dementia and Healthcare-Associated Infections (HAIs). View a complete list of Nursing Home Quality Measure Composite Score Honor Roll recipients in Kansas, Nebraska, North Dakota and South Dakota.

“We are proud of our team’s commitment to providing exceptional service and personalized care.  This recognition is a result of their dedication to delivering services that go beyond good quality care and reach a level of superior care.” States Kristin Harris, Vice President of Operations with Nye Health Services.


About Nye Health Services

Nye Health Services offers six campus locations in Eastern Nebraska and one in Wyoming, structured to meet the needs of their residents from independent living to skilled nursing, memory care, and now home care services. A family-owned company with a rich history of connecting with the people they serve, Nye Health Services is open for visits anytime. Call 402.753.1400 to schedule an appointment at locations in Fremont, Lincoln, South Sioux City, Norfolk, or Jackson Hole, or visit for more information.

About Great Plains QIN-QIO
Great Plains QIN is the Quality Improvement Organization for Kansas, Nebraska, North Dakota and South Dakota. The GPQIN team works with healthcare providers and communities to implement data-driven quality initiatives to improve healthcare. Great Plains QIN offers technical assistance, tailored education, best practices, tools and resources. Through these efforts, we intend to improve patient safety, reduce harm and improve clinical care at the local and regional levels. Learn more at

Cycling Without Age comes to Legacy Lodge

Cycling Without Age comes to Legacy Lodge

While enjoying a walk with a resident around the Lodge’s beautiful grounds and paved pathway, it occurred to me that our residents have limited mobility and access to our community’s 70-mile pathway system that we can access right out our front or back doors. I started noticing our neighborhood and community residents, families, and pets of all ages, socially engaging with one another, commuting to and from work,  walking, cycling,  jogging, or roller blading/skating etc., on our county pathways throughout the valley.

That got me thinking….about how our senior community residents might also get outside to enjoy all that our pathways have to offer to the valley’s residents and visitors. This led me to a google search for cycling for seniors which, in turn, brought up Cycling Without Age (CWA).

I saw CWA as the perfect solution, not only for a way to connect volunteers and riders for a cycling excursion, but more importantly, a way for all our valley residents to re-connect socially, regardless of their limited cognitive and/or physical limitations.

We now have our own trishaw and even had the honor of Ole Kassow, the founder of Cycling Without Age, visiting Legacy Lodge this spring! Here is Ole’s TED Talk.

Nye Health Services Award-Winning Campuses & Services

Nye Health Services  · 750 East 32nd  Street ·  Fremont, Nebraska 68025  ·  402.753.1400  ·  Privacy Policy | XML Sitemap

Gateway Vista Earns 2018 Silver National Quality Award

Gateway Vista Earns 2018 Silver National Quality Award


LINCOLN, NE – Gateway Vista, a Nye Health Services campus has been recognized as a 2018 Silver – Achievement in Quality Award recipient by the American Health Care Association and National Center for Assisted Living (AHCA/NCAL). The award is the second of three distinctions possible through the AHCA/NCAL National Quality Award Program, which spotlights providers across the nation that have demonstrated their dedication to improving quality of care for residents and patients in long term and post-acute care.

“Gateway Vista is committed to implementing processes that better the lives of those we serve,” said Mark Sroczynski, Executive Director at Gateway Vista.“We are proud to receive the Silver award and look forward to continuing our efforts to improve quality.”

Based on the core values and criteria of the Baldrige Performance Excellence Program, AHCA/NCAL’s National Quality Award Program challenges member providers to achieve performance excellence through three progressive levels—Bronze, Silver, and Gold. At the Silver level, members develop and demonstrate effective approaches that help improve organizational performance and health care outcomes. 

“This year’s Silver award recipients are positioned well to accomplish even better outcomes as they progress in their quality journey,” said Alana Wolfe, Chair of the AHCA/NCAL National Quality Award Board of Overseers. “I commend Gateway Vista on this outstanding achievement.”

As a 2018 recipient of the Silver award, Gateway Vista can now advance in further developing comprehensive approaches that meet the criteria required for the Gold – Excellence in Quality Award.

The awards will be presented to honorees during AHCA/NCAL’s 69th Annual Convention & Expo in San Diego, California, October 7-10, 2018.   

Gateway Vista is a five star rated campus, by the Center for Medicare and Medicaid services, which provides the full continuum of care to aging adults.  Individuals seeking Independent or Assisted Living services can lead and active, social and carefree life with independence and choice all while knowing the assistance they need is available 24 hours per day. Those with more emergent needs, which require top rated therapy and rehabilitation services to get home sooner, can recover in one of Gateway Vista’s private rehabilitation rooms.  To learn more about the services provided at Gateway Vista, or to schedule a tour, contact the campus today at 402-464-6371 or visit

The American Health Care Association and National Center for Assisted Living (AHCA/NCAL) represent more than 13,600 non-profit and proprietary skilled nursing centers, assisted living communities, sub-acute centers and homes for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. By delivering solutions for quality care, AHCA/NCAL aims to improve the lives of the millions of frail, elderly and individuals with disabilities who receive long term or post-acute care in our member facilities each day. For more information, please visit www.ahca.orgor

Nye Health Services Award-Winning Campuses & Services

Nye Health Services  · 750 East 32nd  Street ·  Fremont, Nebraska 68025  ·  402.753.1400  ·  Privacy Policy | XML Sitemap