
While enjoying a walk with a resident around the Lodge’s beautiful grounds and paved pathway, it occurred to me that our residents have limited mobility and access to our community’s 70-mile pathway system that we can access right out our front or back doors. I started noticing our neighborhood and community residents, families, and pets of all ages, socially engaging with one another, commuting to and from work,  walking, cycling,  jogging, or roller blading/skating etc., on our county pathways throughout the valley.

That got me thinking….about how our senior community residents might also get outside to enjoy all that our pathways have to offer to the valley’s residents and visitors. This led me to a google search for cycling for seniors which, in turn, brought up Cycling Without Age (CWA).

I saw CWA as the perfect solution, not only for a way to connect volunteers and riders for a cycling excursion, but more importantly, a way for all our valley residents to re-connect socially, regardless of their limited cognitive and/or physical limitations.

We now have our own trishaw and even had the honor of Ole Kassow, the founder of Cycling Without Age, visiting Legacy Lodge this spring! Here is Ole’s TED Talk.

Nye Health Services Award-Winning Campuses & Services

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