
Nye Health Services Residents, Family Members, and Team Members COVID-19 Updates

I am excited to reach out to you for the first time since the announcement of my new position as the Chief Operating Officer and share the new updates that have occurred with COVID-19 updates, management, and guidelines, creating a much less restrictive environment.

The first exciting change is from “active screening” to “passive screening.” We have been completing active screening, meaning you physically have to complete the screening process when you enter the campus. We will now be transitioning to passive screening, meaning you will complete a personal self-screen prior to entering the campus ensuring that you do not have any Covid-19 symptoms and have not been exposed to anyone with Covid-19. We will no longer require anyone to complete screening at the kiosk moving forward! We will have signs posted at the campus entrances to provide everyone with education on the passive screening steps.


The second exciting change is for flexibility of wearing a mask based on the CDC report of county covid transmission levels. When we are in a “high or red” county, or during an outbreak status, all visitors and team members must wear a mask. When we are in a low or moderate county, visitors and team members do not need to wear masks, with the exception of unvaccinated team members, based on the additional Covid-19 mitigating approach.

Family members may choose to unmask, regardless of county covid transmission levels, when in a private room with their loved one. We will post signs on our entrance doors when masks are required. Currently, all of our campuses are in a red or high county, so masks are still required in common areas. We are anxiously awaiting the celebration for when we are in a low or moderate covid transmission level, and we can see everyone’s smiles!

Visitors are no longer restricted from using our community spaces with their loved ones. We are so excited about this change. We value an environment with laughter, celebrations, and spending time with our Nye family members.

Today we celebrate with you! We realize the Covid restrictions on visitation have been difficult, to say the least. We are so thankful for the understanding and support we have received from our residents, family members, and team members. Reflecting back to the beginning of the pandemic, when introductions to new great-grandchildren occurred through the window of their family member, to now reopening our doors with a new spirit of hope and positivity that there truly is a light at the end of the tunnel.


Kristin Harris

Chief Operating Officer