As people age, it’s important for them to stay connected socially. Being isolated from friends, family members and neighbors can lead to depression and other mental health issues. Studies have shown that loneliness can contribute to physical problems as well. Living alone can present many barriers to social connectedness that seniors who live in an independent living community don’t experience. Isolation can have negative impacts on your health, fitness, and memory, and the older we get, the more important it becomes that we are surrounded by people we know.
Senior citizens who remain in their home face a variety of issues that have the potential to lead to isolation and physical and mental ailments. How can you avoid them? Here are four life-changing benefits of independent living.
1. Support When Friends and Relatives Move Away
For many seniors, friends and relatives may live too far away, or may even be thinking of moving to a more distant location to be closer to their own families. That reduces the natural daily interactions that occur, as well as the free assistance and watchful eyes provided by loved ones. Independent living communities generally offer a wide range of activities such as singing and playing musical instruments; biking, dancing and other physical activities; and cards, chess, checkers and board games. Residents can enjoy each other’s company and engage in brain-boosting conversation daily.
2. Health Issues Won’t Keep You Down
Staying social is vital to overall health and well-being. When seniors have
medical issues that keep them from visiting friends and neighbors, going on shopping excursions or even walking around the neighborhood, it limits their interactions with others as well their time out in the world. One study even found that those seniors who had the most social interaction also maintained the highest level of mobility as they aged. The key to maintaining a healthy body, regardless of age, is to maintain a healthy and active brain. While residents are meeting, interacting and having fun with new friends and neighbors, they can also enjoy an array of services that will help them remain healthy, happy and well-adjusted. Independent living communities offer options such as housekeeping and laundry, three meals a day, a safe and secure building, cable TV, Wi-Fi, utilities, social and recreational activities, personal medical alert systems, scheduled outings and transportation to doctors’ appointments.
3. Can’t Drive? No Problem
Even if they are physically able to leave their home, they might be limited in their ability to drive, and they might not have access to public transportation. This can leave seniors stranded without access to the things they need and want in their lives. Independent living communities offer regularly-scheduled outings to shopping areas, movie theaters, baseball stadiums and possibly even golf courses. They often organize seniors to volunteer at schools, hospitals or nursing homes, or local organizations such as youth sports teams.
4. An Unyielding Support System
Seniors often are confronted with the emotional impact of friends and family members in their age group has passed away. Those that live alone are often forced to deal with these losses, especially that of a spouse, without an everpresent network of support. Not having a community of support makes the grieving process more difficult. While it’s not an easy choice to leave the home, for many seniors, many of the challenges they face can be eliminated by moving into an independent living community, where a community is readily available to prop you up when life gets hard.
Would you like to learn more about the advantages of living in an independent living community? Contact Nye Health Services, which provides a wide range of services to maximize the health and wellness of older adults. For more information, please contact Nye Health Services at (402) 753-1400.
Nye Health Services Award-Winning Campuses & Services
Nye Health Services · 750 East 32nd Street · Fremont, Nebraska 68025 · 402.753.1400 · Privacy Policy | XML Sitemap

Deciding where you, your parents or other family members will live out their lives when they are in need of healthcare services, is a momentous decision, often made in haste during a health crisis.
During these times, it is important to be armed with the information you need to make the best decision possible.
Below are seven key criteria for determining which assisted living or skilled nursing facility is right for you or a loved one.
1. Check the Star Rating
The federal government’s Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services created a Five-Star Quality Rating System to help families compare health care providers. Facilities are rated based on health inspections, staffing and quality measures. Look for a facility that has a four-star or five-star rating. NursingHomeRating.org also employs a five-star rating system, as you can see here.
2. Seek Recommendations
An objective review is important, but you also need to think about whether a healthcare provider is right for your particular circumstances. In that case, it can be helpful to seek opinions from both experts and everyday consumers like you. Talk to your friends who may have experienced similar circumstances. Then examine the online reviews of facilities from individual consumers and organizations that specialize in senior living communities. For example, here is the review from Senior Advice of Gateway Vista, a continuum of care community in Lincoln, Nebraska.
3. Research the Company Online
Online recommendations and reviews can be eye-opening, and while they only tell part of the story, they can help you understand the real-life experiences of other families, patients and residents. Research the organization on Google, their website and other online review sites, such as SeniorAdvice.com. Consider both the good and bad information – they will provide ideas of things to look for and questions to ask if and when you visit.
4. Review the Organizational Values and History
Is the organization you’re looking into family-owned or does it report to a corporate board elsewhere? Is its mission to maximize the health and well-being of its residents or to generate profits for shareholders? Is it a place where employees love to work and remain for years or is there constant turnover of staff? Are the people in charge innovators in the field going back decades or are they fairly new to it? Answers to questions like these will go a long way towards determining whether this is the healthcare provider for you.
5. Check Their Credentials
It’s easy to determine whether a provider is recognized for excellence by the American Health Care Association and the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services.
6. Get a Sense of How It Feels There
You want to walk onto the campus and feel like you’re home. You want to see staff and residents smiling and celebrating life. You may feel down when you need assistance with daily activities or rehab for an injury, but you want the people around you to pick you up with their spirit.
7. Make Sure There is Easy Access to Healthcare Partners
Most continuum of care communities have a wide range of healthcare providers on site, but how about the physicians, therapists and specialists you may need while living there? Determine in advance whether those providers are right down the road or two towns over where they might be difficult to access. That can make a world of difference for you or your loved one.
Nye Health Services offers seven communities in Eastern Nebraska and one in Wyoming, structured to meet the needs of their residents from independent living to skilled nursing care. A family-owned company with a rich history of connecting with the people they serve, Nye Health Services is open for visits anytime. Call 402.753.1400 to schedule an appointment at locations in Fremont, Lincoln, South Sioux City, Norfolk, or Jackson Hole, or visit NyeHealthServices.com for more information.
Nye Health Services Award-Winning Campuses & Services
Nye Health Services · 750 East 32nd Street · Fremont, Nebraska 68025 · 402.753.1400 · Privacy Policy | XML Sitemap

You’ve transitioned to an independent living community or an assisted living arrangement somewhere new. You still have your old friends and family, but maybe they’re no longer in your neighborhood.
Now here come the holidays and you’re worried about getting lost in the hubbub as your old friends and family enjoy their traditions without you. It’s a common concern.
Fortunately, you live in the best time ever to keep friends and family close even when they’re far away. Here are 6 ideas you might not have considered.
1. Enjoy New Traditions with New Friends
All those opportunities for socializing with neighbors in your new community will pay off come holiday time. If you have been socializing, you probably know people who are facing the same predicament. Why not start a new tradition with them?
2. Invite Folks to Your Place for a Pot Luck
You can have your friends over without playing host. In fact, you don’t even have to do it in your home. You can rent a community room on Thanksgiving or Christmas Day, invite everyone to bring a dish appropriate to the holiday, and enjoy communion with old friends and new. Or, you can cook together as a group. Either way, you’re not doing all the work yourself.
3. Organize a Volunteer Opportunity Together
Serving meals together with friends at the local soup kitchen, visiting patients in a hospital or in hospice care, or doing a project that helps others can be spiritually uplifting, and can help you forget any loneliness you might feel. If your family joins you, focusing on others who have less than you is a great way to strengthen the bonds among you.
4. Get with the Times and Follow Family on Social Media
Keep up with the grandkids by following them on Instagram or Snapchat, or find your children on Facebook. It’s amazing how much of their lives people share on social media today—things you might not even hear about in a phone conversation or personal visit. A lot of older people are intimidated by social media, but it was all designed to be used by regular people. The only reason you don’t know how to use it is that you haven’t yet learned.
5. Video Chat!
For friends and family who are far away, there is now the alternative that allows you to talk to them and see them, almost as if you’re in the room together. Video chatting is easy to set up; in fact, most computers and laptops are already equipped with cameras and microphones. If yours isn’t, webcams cost 50 bucks at the local electronics store or on the web.
6. Play Games with Them Online
The Internet is awash with games that people can play online, like Words With Friends, the online Scrabble knockoff; or Splatoon, the cartoon-based ink-shooting game; or… well, literally thousands of others. You can even do it while video chatting, so you can trash talk your family or friends and watch their reactions while you play.
It’s just easier than ever to keep up with those you love or start relationships with new friends, thanks to technology and communities for people like you.
Nye Health Services offers seven communities in Eastern Nebraska and one in Wyoming structured to meet the needs of their residents from independent living to skilled nursing care. A family-owned company with a rich history of connecting with the people they serve, Nye Health Services is open for visits anytime. Call 402.753.1400 to make an appointment at a location in Fremont, Lincoln, South Sioux City, Norfolk, or Jackson Hole, or visit NyeHealthServices.com for more information.
Nye Health Services Award-Winning Campuses & Services
Nye Health Services · 750 East 32nd Street · Fremont, Nebraska 68025 · 402.753.1400 · Privacy Policy | XML Sitemap

Deciding where you, your parents or other family members will live out their lives when they are in need of healthcare services, is a momentous decision, often made in haste during a health crisis.
During these times, it is important to be armed with the information you need to make the best decision possible.
Below are seven key criteria for determining which assisted living or skilled nursing facility is right for you or a loved one.
1. Check the Star Rating
The federal government’s Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services created a Five-Star Quality Rating System to help families compare health care providers. Facilities are rated based on health inspections, staffing and quality measures. Look for a facility that has a four-star or five-star rating. NursingHomeRating.org also employs a five-star rating system, as you can see here.
2. Seek Recommendations
An objective review is important, but you also need to think about whether a healthcare provider is right for your particular circumstances. In that case, it can be helpful to seek opinions from both experts and everyday consumers like you. Talk to your friends who may have experienced similar circumstances. Then examine the online reviews of facilities from individual consumers and organizations that specialize in senior living communities. For example, here is the review from Senior Advice of Gateway Vista, a continuum of care community in Lincoln, Nebraska.
3. Research the Company Online
Online recommendations and reviews can be eye-opening, and while they only tell part of the story, they can help you understand the real-life experiences of other families, patients and residents. Research the organization on Google, their website and other online review sites, such as SeniorAdvice.com. Consider both the good and bad information – they will provide ideas of things to look for and questions to ask if and when you visit.
4. Review the Organizational Values and History
Is the organization you’re looking into family-owned or does it report to a corporate board elsewhere? Is its mission to maximize the health and well-being of its residents or to generate profits for shareholders? Is it a place where employees love to work and remain for years or is there constant turnover of staff? Are the people in charge innovators in the field going back decades or are they fairly new to it? Answers to questions like these will go a long way towards determining whether this is the healthcare provider for you.
5. Check Their Credentials
It’s easy to determine whether a provider is recognized for excellence by the American Health Care Association and the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services.
6. Get a Sense of How It Feels There
You want to walk onto the campus and feel like you’re home. You want to see staff and residents smiling and celebrating life. You may feel down when you need assistance with daily activities or rehab for an injury, but you want the people around you to pick you up with their spirit.
7. Make Sure There is Easy Access to Healthcare Partners
Most continuum of care communities have a wide range of healthcare providers on site, but how about the physicians, therapists and specialists you may need while living there? Determine in advance whether those providers are right down the road or two towns over where they might be difficult to access. That can make a world of difference for you or your loved one.
Nye Health Services offers seven communities in Eastern Nebraska and one in Wyoming, structured to meet the needs of their residents from independent living to skilled nursing care. A family-owned company with a rich history of connecting with the people they serve, Nye Health Services is open for visits anytime. Call 402.753.1400 to schedule an appointment at locations in Fremont, Lincoln, South Sioux City, Norfolk, or Jackson Hole, or visit NyeHealthServices.com for more information.
Nye Health Services Award-Winning Campuses & Services
Nye Health Services · 750 East 32nd Street · Fremont, Nebraska 68025 · 402.753.1400 · Privacy Policy | XML Sitemap

Deciding where you, your parents or other family members will live out their lives when they are in need of healthcare services, is a momentous decision, often made in haste during a health crisis.
During these times, it is important to be armed with the information you need to make the best decision possible.
Below are seven key criteria for determining which assisted living or skilled nursing facility is right for you or a loved one.
1. Check the Star Rating
The federal government’s Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services created a Five-Star Quality Rating System to help families compare health care providers. Facilities are rated based on health inspections, staffing and quality measures. Look for a facility that has a four-star or five-star rating. NursingHomeRating.org also employs a five-star rating system, as you can see here.
2. Seek Recommendations
An objective review is important, but you also need to think about whether a healthcare provider is right for your particular circumstances. In that case, it can be helpful to seek opinions from both experts and everyday consumers like you. Talk to your friends who may have experienced similar circumstances. Then examine the online reviews of facilities from individual consumers and organizations that specialize in senior living communities. For example, here is the review from Senior Advice of Gateway Vista, a continuum of care community in Lincoln, Nebraska.
3. Research the Company Online
Online recommendations and reviews can be eye-opening, and while they only tell part of the story, they can help you understand the real-life experiences of other families, patients and residents. Research the organization on Google, their website and other online review sites, such as SeniorAdvice.com. Consider both the good and bad information – they will provide ideas of things to look for and questions to ask if and when you visit.
4. Review the Organizational Values and History
Is the organization you’re looking into family-owned or does it report to a corporate board elsewhere? Is its mission to maximize the health and well-being of its residents or to generate profits for shareholders? Is it a place where employees love to work and remain for years or is there constant turnover of staff? Are the people in charge innovators in the field going back decades or are they fairly new to it? Answers to questions like these will go a long way towards determining whether this is the healthcare provider for you.
5. Check Their Credentials
It’s easy to determine whether a provider is recognized for excellence by the American Health Care Association and the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services.
6. Get a Sense of How It Feels There
You want to walk onto the campus and feel like you’re home. You want to see staff and residents smiling and celebrating life. You may feel down when you need assistance with daily activities or rehab for an injury, but you want the people around you to pick you up with their spirit.
7. Make Sure There is Easy Access to Healthcare Partners
Most continuum of care communities have a wide range of healthcare providers on site, but how about the physicians, therapists and specialists you may need while living there? Determine in advance whether those providers are right down the road or two towns over where they might be difficult to access. That can make a world of difference for you or your loved one.
Nye Health Services offers seven communities in Eastern Nebraska and one in Wyoming, structured to meet the needs of their residents from independent living to skilled nursing care. A family-owned company with a rich history of connecting with the people they serve, Nye Health Services is open for visits anytime. Call 402.753.1400 to schedule an appointment at locations in Fremont, Lincoln, South Sioux City, Norfolk, or Jackson Hole, or visit NyeHealthServices.com for more information.
Nye Health Services Award-Winning Campuses & Services
Nye Health Services · 750 East 32nd Street · Fremont, Nebraska 68025 · 402.753.1400 · Privacy Policy | XML Sitemap